County Attorney
The county attorney's duties with the fiscal court are to serve as legal counsel for county government. Their general duties in this capacity are to attend the fiscal court and conduct all business of that body touching the rights or interests of the county. When the fiscal court so directs, the county attorney must conduct civil actions in which the county is a party before any of the courts of the Commonwealth (KRS 69.210(1)).
The county attorney is also obliged to give legal advice to the fiscal court and county officers in all matters concerning county business (KRS 69.210).
In addition to services for general county government and its officers, the county attorney acts as legal representative to many county boards, commissions, and special districts.
Jamie Hatton
95 A Main Street
Whitesburg, KY 41858
(606) 633-2784
Commonwealth Attorney
The Commonwealth's attorney shall attend each Circuit Court held in his judicial circuit. He shall, except as provided in KRS 15.715 and KRS Chapter 131, have the duty to prosecute all violations whether by adults or by juveniles subject to the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court of the criminal and penal laws which are to be tried in the Circuit Court in his judicial circuit. In addition, he shall have the primary responsibility within his judicial circuit to present evidence to the grand jury concerning such violations.
Edison G. Banks, II
48 East Main Street
Whitesburg, KY 41858
(606) 633-8121
Property Valuation Administrator (PVA)
Subject to the direction, instruction, and supervision of the Department of Revenue, a property valuation administrator must make the assessment of all property in the county, prepare property assessment records, and perform other duties relating to assessment as may be prescribed by law or by the Department of Revenue (KRS 132.420).
Ricky Rose
156 Main Street, Suite 105
Whitesburg, KY 41858
(606) 633-2182
Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:00pm
County Sheriff
The sheriff's duties fall into four categories: tax collection, election duties, services to courts, and law enforcement. A sheriff spends the most time on civil duties, as opposed to criminal or law enforcement duties. The sheriff and three other elected county officials-coroners, jailers, and constables-are peace officers who possess law enforcement powers (KRS 446.010). These powers include a broad grant of authority to make arrests. Kentucky sheriff's collect property taxes for the state, county, school districts, and sometimes cities if the sheriff has contracted with them for this service.
Mickey Stines
6 Broadway Street
Whitesburg, KY 41858
(606) 633-2293 - Phone
(606) 633-8780 - Fax
8:00am – Midnight
County Court Clerk
The duties of the county court clerk fall into the general categories of clerical duties of the fiscal court; issuing and registering, recording and keeping various legal records, registering and purging voter rolls, and conducting election duties and tax duties.
Winston Meade
156 Main Street
Whitesburg, KY 41858
(606) 633-2432
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm
Saturday 8:30am - 12:00 noon
Circuit and District Court Clerk
Circuit court clerks are responsible for managing the records of Circuit and District courts, Kentucky trial courts.
Mike Watts
156 Main Street 
Whitesburg, KY 41858
(606) 633-7559 (Circuit)
(606) 633-1048 (District)
Driver's License:
(606) 633-8810
Monday - Friday, 8:30am – 4:00pm
For more information please visit:
Each county jailer has "custody, rule and charge of the county jail" and "all persons in the jail" (KRS 71.020). The county jailer has the responsibility of the transportation of prisoners, jail budget, reports, court services, jail canteen, preparing bail bond, work and educational release for Misdemeanants, work related to community service, and is over the deputies.
Bert Slone
156 Main Street
Whitesburg, KY 41858
(606) 633-5163
Open 24 hours
A principal duty of the coroner is to determine the cause of death.
Coroners and their deputies have the full power and authority of peace officers, including the power of arrest, to bear arms, and to administer oaths. In performing investigations, the coroner or a deputy may enter public or private property; seize evidence; interrogate persons; and require the production of medical records, documents, or evidence. The coroner may impound vehicles involved in fatal accidents. The coroner may employ special investigators and photographers in making an investigation and expend funds in carrying out official duties (KRS 72.415).
Renee Campbell
156 Main Street, Ste. 107
Whitesburg, KY 41858
(606) 634-2294